C++ demon project

Made by Jordi van der Lem

A C++ project




Before I could start this project, I needed to know what I was going to build. Diagrams are very handy for this problem. Therefore I made this class digram and sequence diagram.




Like in the class diagram, I choose to not work in the main to keep order.



Here you can see how to application works. In the application class everything is connected and called. Here happens everything in the application


Input and output

This is the Input/output class. Here happens everything with asking questions from the user. You can ask a question and get a given answer back. I tried to make it as abstract as possible so it could be reused in many different projects and still work. I also made failsafes in the functions for when someone puts in a answer that cant be processed

Github Page

If you want to see the full project, please click the link down below to go to the project github page

Github Link